Boutique Law Firm Gomez Tristan & Tristan
We are here to assist you!
To treat every case with a personal touch under the principles of integrity, tenacity, responsibility, dedication, professionalism, and most of all, efficiency.
For Boutique Law Firm Gomez Tristan & Tristan to be a One-Stop Solution for all Legal and Public Notary needs, with a proven expertise into Costa Rican immigration, where our experienced professionals in Law can provide helpful advice and guidance to all nationals and foreigners.

Services that we provide…
Inmigration Services:
We offer advice, application submission, and follow up for all types of Costa Rican Residencies and their subsequent renewals, Extended Stay Permits (Special Dispensations), etc.
Other Law Practice Services
• Public Notary
• Labor Law
• Family Law
• Civil Law
Complimentary Services
• English/Spanish Translations
• DHL Courier Services
• Insurance Brokerage
• Private Financing Brokerage
Real Estate Services:
We offer our clientele a Real Estate Department, Tristan Real Estate, which is a subsidiary of our Law Firm.
Our Team...

Licda. Cecilia Tristán Trelles

Lic. Andrés Gómez Tristán

Licda. Kattia Soto Jiménez

Ing. Nidia Ramos Víquez

Sra. Rosibel Vallejos Padilla

Srita. Mariam Carranza Hidalgo